The great debate - Full-time trading vs Part-time trading
Frequently asked questions. Is it necessary to be a full-time trader in order to succeed in the market? Do I really have to sacrifice a part of me in order to gain something in the markets? Am I less of a person if I am not a full-time trader? If I have other responsibilities in life? Is full-time trading the pinnacle of the markets? As of this writing, I am currently in my 4th year in trading in different markets (PSE, Crypto, US) and also going through the process of trial and error, I experienced how these two types of trading work differently and their pros and cons. Fulltime trading pro's Time is in your hands You are the boss You can do what you want when you want all the time. Full-time trading con's No job security Uncertain income cashflow Too many uncertain variables at hand Not for everyone. Part-time trading pro's Stability of a job Part-time trading con's 1. Does not work well on the same trading styles that require intense screen time (scalping, day tradin...